Come play with clay on First Fridays starting in February. This class is held during the @fruitloopsartcenter kids class to allow grown-ups to play while the kids create and is open to anyone over 18. Use the code CREATE for 10% off if you've dropped off your kiddos w/ the Fruit Looks Art Center crew!
Sign up in advance to make an incense burner, wall vase, clay snakes, or candle stick holders, or pinch planter
We will have step by step directions and staff to help guide you on your adventure. Choose your desired project down below. Tea is available and you are welcome to bring your own beverage of choice to be consumed responsibly.
Participants choose their favorite piece(s) to keep and pick up after it has been fired and glazed for them. 1 piece is included w/registration. Created more? Pay to fire up to 2 more items $15+.
Finished work can be picked up during our open hours 3 weeks after your scheduled class and will be held for 1 week.
Aren't local? Don't fret! Your creation can be shipped for an additional fee. Arrange with your instructor before heading out.